The primary use of cookies is to collect data, provide accurate content and provide statistics on the way this website is used. This helps us understand how users are navigating on the website, what pages are browsed and what areas are mostly clicked on. This data allows us to improve the website and provide the users with a better browsing experience.
Users are advised that if they wish to prevent the use of cookies from this website on to their computers hard drive they should take necessary steps within their web browsers security settings to block cookies from this website. This website uses tracking software to monitor its visitors to better understand how they use it. This software is provided by Google Analytics which uses cookies to track visitor usage. The software will save a cookie to your computer’s hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website, but will not store, save or collect personal information. You can read Google’s privacy policy here for further information
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Most of the information that is gathered regards how the website is being used and browsed by its users. As mentioned previously, no personal information regarding website users is stored, saved, collected or further processed. The data collected is analytical and does not allow the identification of an individual.
Any cookies in use on this website which are critical to its operation will not give the ability to opt-out. If you wish to opt-out of any third party non critical cookies, please refer to the following section.
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If you want to delete the cookies that are already on your computer, please refer to the instructions for your file management software to locate the file or directory that stores cookies. You can also access them through your internet browser.
The same cookie policy applies to users who are browsing the website using a mobile device, smartphone, tablets or any other portable electronic device that enables its users to browse the internet.
Please refer to the ICO’s following page for more information about cookie policies:
Please refer to the following page for general information about cookies and guidance on how to delete cookies that are stored on your machine:
Please refer to the following page for more information about Google Analytics: